Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2012

FarmVille Scam Watch: Zynga's not giving free Farm Cash for Christmas

Literal Farm Cash
You have been warned. According to All Facebook, thousands of status updates are popping up all over Facebook reading a little something like this:

    Yiepppppeeeee... Zynga team gave me 300 Farm Cash worth 50$ absolutely free....yes FREE for Christmas celebration..I am sooooo damn happy today..! Take yours also it is limited off for FEW HOURS ONLY...go to their app... ^.^ -> [LINK ERASED]

If you're somehow getting these messages in your News Feed, do not click on them. They are clearly scams, shallow attempts at getting your precious information whether it be your e-mail address, phone number or even credit card number. Just remember that the only ways you can receive Farm Cash are as follows:

    Buying it directly from Zynga using the Farm Cash tab in the game
    Having it gifted to you from a friend
    Buying a Zynga Game Card--physical or virtual
    Participating in an official Zynga FarmVille Contest
    Taking advantage of free Farm Cash offers sponsored by Zynga

And whenever you see one of these dastardly scam artists at work, report it immediately to Facebook so they can take care of the problem. And if one of those shady posts come from a friend, be sure to notify them that their account is at risk or has already been hacked. Have a safe Holiday Season, farmers.

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